We do not market our services, nor do we employ a sales staff…and yet the work is never in short supply. 


In almost all instances, CITech’s involvement with the client extends beyond the initial engagement. In some cases, this is because the software sourcing initiative has been expanded into new functional areas such that our services are further extended. 

In other cases, once a software selection has been made, we are asked to remain onboard as project managers to the implementation effort. 

More often, we are asked to provide post go-live services in the form of change management guidance.

These are all positive indicators of the client’s regard for our services.  Consider that on average, a working relationship with a client continues over two years; even though the initial engagement is typically less than one year. Further consider that CITech has never exited an engagement at the client’s request; and that all of our new engagements are by way of referrals from existing or prior clients.

CITech does not market its services, nor do we employ a sales staff…and yet the work is never in short supply.  Collectively, these are all measures of our client’s high satisfaction with our work, our work ethic, and our professionalism.
